My friend, Jerry, sent me a video demonstrating how a tesla owner had flagged down another motorist, because the dead battery in his car had left him stranded on the side of the highway. The owner of the tesla merely needed a gallon of gasoline to run the small Honda electrical generator stashed in the trunk, which, in turn, was plugged into the vehical, thus enabling it to reach the next town where a more complete charge could be had. This is the reply I sent Jerry:
“It is kinda funny there isn’t a better backup system available.
Almost as funny as the English language. I mean a “dead battery” isn’t actually “dead,” is it?
More importantly, what’s going to happen when info pertaining to the essentially free energy made available via the UNIFIED FIELD is no longer suppressed? –> “Thrive 2”
The life-saving/world-saving info contained in this incredible film, “Thrive 2, places it right next to 1. How the Nobel Prize-winning drug, Ivermectin, contained in the dirt-cheap I Mask + protocol, obliterates Covid-19 in every stage of viral progression (search Dr. Kory and the FLCCC), and 2. Consider aliens that are extraterrestrial in origin as good and not to be feared, while aliens that are humans in disguise are quite the opposite. Both can be operating spacecraft labeled as UFOs. Believe it or not, for now, just believe it. (search Dr. Steven Greer)”
This takes me to the primary reason I’ve put together this post. While the Ivermectin/UFO thoughts I’ve highlighted may not be accepted by even Master Key Experience graduates, across-the-board, unexamined; at least, I realize that as the self-directed thinkers we’ve learned to become, we are willing to take a deeper look.
Equally important, when it comes to everything currently being touted to handle our global “plandemic,” we realize from simply our understanding of THE SCIENCE OF BEING WELL by Wallace Wattles that there are much better ways of capitalizing on the principle, “the power that made the body, heals the body.”
I recently discovered the following two articles in my email inbox. The first comes from Johnathan Landsman, M,D., and the second from Chris Wark. Together I think they serve well as a valuable resource for the factual information — THE TRUTH — that’s nice to have handy when attempting to wake up the masses to get off their asses.
Nevertheless, for those of you who really believe everything you’re hearing in the mainstream media, and feel this is a done situation for you; and everything Dr. Fauci says, and the CDC, WHO, and all of that, they must be telling us the truth. There’s something really terrible out there that we have to be really afraid of. Wear the mask, do the jab, and all of that. If that’s the way you feel, out of respect for your time, the rest of this post is not for you, and I suggest you stop right here.
Censored COVID News: The real risk revealed with Andrew Kaufman, MD
by: Edit Lang, staff writer | July 18, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) With COVID-19 defining so many aspects of our daily lives, it has become remarkable that a large portion of the population lives in constant fear of this “mysterious” virus. Millions feel the need to protect themselves from this invisible enemy by covering their faces, blocking their airways, and being first in line to take the jab. Western medicine has done a tremendous job instilling the current mainstream “theory” of disease and indoctrinating the masses about what’s also known as the “germ” theory.
Another segment of the population thinks very differently about the threat of infection that COVID-19 represents. These are the people who likely go about their days and do not fear exposure to the virus. They trust their immune systems to defend against invaders, and they know that disease can only form if the conditions are right within the body.
Regardless of which camp you belong to, you will not want to miss watching this video (below) – created by Jonathan Landsman – that exposes the reasons for the divide and reveals why some become paralyzed by fear of the same virus that others consider a non-issue. You will be astounded to discover the flawed methods used to show who is truly at risk and who is not.
Questioning the COVID narrative with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
In an exclusive interview, Jonathan Landsman of and Andrew Kaufman, MD, discuss the surprising (scientific) truth about this pandemic. They reveal the most significant problem associated with the current COVID narrative and the real reason why PCR testing is being misused.
In addition, Dr. Kaufman reveals disturbing truths about masks, but in the end, he leaves all of us with a positive message about how we can protect our health naturally.
Let’s talk about germ and terrain theory
Check out the first 15 minutes of the interview when Dr. Kaufman gives a detailed explanation about the difference between germ theory and terrain theory. In the context of COVID, supporters of the germ theory believe that pathogens, such as the virus that causes COVID-19, can lead to disease by invading us and reproducing in our bodies. Therefore, people looking at COVID this way feel that protecting against exposure to the virus is crucially important.
Germ theory focuses on the idea that disease from germs can strike anyone at any time and does not take our immune system into consideration. Thus, the most critical aspect of germ theory is to kill germs and protect against them.
Contrast that with the “terrain” theory, which believes that germs cannot cause infections unless the environment within the body allows it. If you are unhealthy, you may be creating a feeding ground for the growth of pathogens – including SARS-CoV-2. At the same time, if your body is healthy, germs will be less likely to take up residence and cause illness.
Dr. Kaufman points out that although the term terrain theory may sound foreign to many people, we have all heard of gut bacteria, which is essentially synonymous with the concept of “terrain.”
Watch the video here: https…
“COVID case” DECEPTION: Health authorities used multiple ways to mislead the public and inflate COVID case numbers
The discussion revealed the various ways health authorities manipulated the numbers to inflate the figures of so-called COVID cases. Dr. Kaufman believes that the way health authorities created the definition of a “COVID case” had nothing to do with science; instead, they intended to create the appearance of something scary, to exaggerate and create fear.
What about the PCR test?
Have you ever been asked to take a PCR test for work or travel? It turns out; the PCR test is more controversial and less helpful than most people think – particularly when it comes to diagnosing COVID-19. Some of what you will learn from Dr. Kaufman will blow your mind.
For instance, most people are unaware that diagnostic tools are generally subject to rigorous validation and that the PCR test has NEVER been validated.
Another fact that will shock you is that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated. If that’s the case, how could you test for it? Even the inventor of the PCR test stated that the test should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
The PCR test is essentially “a research tool to detect sequences of genetic material” present in such small amounts that you can’t do anything with it. Additionally, similar to the COVID shots, the PCR tests are not FDA-approved; they are under emergency authorization. If you think that’s not that bad, think again and listen to Dr. Kaufman’s assessment of the PCR tests.
UNMASKING the science behind mask-wearing and COVID-19
According to Dr. Kaufman, the point of promoting face masks as a way to protect against respiratory viruses has nothing to do with science. Instead, it is to limit social interaction between humans, train the younger generation to be afraid of each other, create a different norm of socialization, and even reduce fertility.
And in case you are still wondering if there is any benefit to wearing masks to defend against COVID-19, there is no credible science on masks to support their use; in fact, most studies confirm that masks are useless or downright dangerous.
Here are the show notes to give you a better idea of everything you will learn by watching this video:
- Let’s talk about germ vs. terrain theory
- Does 2020 data reveal a “Pandemic RISE” in deaths?
- What is the greatest problem w/ the COVID-19 narrative?
- Why is the PCR Test flawed for diagnosing disease?
- Can a mask really protect us from disease?
- How to explain these “similar symptoms” reports?
- Talk about ways to AVOID respiratory damage
But don’t take our word for any of this. Do your own research – just be sure to use credible sources. Use your common sense, and do not allow fear to motivate your health decisions.
Doctors and scientists speaking out against the largest drug experiment in history

In the last 9 months, an unprecedented number of pro-vaccine doctors and scientists have come out against the experimental mRNA spike-protein-producing shots commonly known as COVID-19 vaccines.
This historic monumental outcry has been met with an equally unprecedented level of stonewalling, censorship, harassment, and vicious personal attacks against scientific and medical professionals for voicing their concerns. Doctors and scientists are being deleted from social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest and even removed from Google search results.
That, my friends, is not science. That is totalitarian medical and political tyranny.
When doctors and scientists risk their reputations and livelihood to speak out, we should listen.
And we should listen to each other.
One testimony of harm from a drug could be coincidental… Thousands of reports are not.
As of July 9, 2021, there are over 10,000 deaths and over 500,000 adverse reactions reported to the United States Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the mRNA shots. This is double the number of deaths reported to VAERS than for all other vaccines since the reporting system was created in 1990. Over 80% of these reports are submitted by medical professionals. And vaccine reactions are notoriously underreported.
That is a SIGNAL which should not be ignored.
Never before in history have patient testimonials of harm from a new drug been ignored, criticized, and deleted with such ferocity and in mass. Two COVID-19 vaccine injury groups totaling over 200k members were deleted from Facebook. Injury reporting groups have also been repeatedly deleted from Instagram.
Question #1
Name a time in history when the people censoring information were the good guys…
You can’t.
Question #2
Tell me the 2-year, 5-year, or 10-year increase in the risk of cancer, or heart disease, or autoimmune disease, or fertility issues, or neurological disease, or death from spike-protein-producing mRNA shots?
You can’t.
Because no one knows the long-term risks of this brand new experimental drug technology. The science doesn’t exist.
The global campaign to inject every human with spike-protein-producing mRNA injections is the largest drug experiment in history.
We aren’t “following the science,” we are the science.
“Safe and effective?”
Calling drugs that were developed at “warp speed”, with virtually no animal testing and only 2 months of testing on healthy humans “safe” is a lie.
“Safe” takes 10 years of testing, at least.
We were told these drugs are “effective” because they “reduce risk of symptomatic infection from COVID-19 by 95%.”
But that 95% figure is only a measure of Relative Risk Reduction.
There’s a more important statistic that the drug companies failed to disclose in their press releases. And that is Absolute Risk Reduction.
Relative Risk Reduction statistics are a half-truth. And a half-truth is a lie.
Here’s an example. If you have cancer and a doctor tells you that a combination of drugs will reduce your relative risk of dying by 50%, that sounds impressive and you would probably say yes to that treatment. However, your doctor could also explain it like this, “Your absolute risk of dying is only 2% and these drugs will drop it to 1%.” And you would be much less likely to say yes to treatment.
Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is an honest, transparent, fully-disclosed science.
Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) is statistical sleight-of-hand. It’s marketing.
Analysis of the data published by the drug companies shows that the spike-protein-producing shots only reduce your Absolute Risk of symptomatic infection by 1%.
One. Percent. Reduction. Of Risk.
Again, the same data measured two different ways says the mRNA vaccines are either 95% effective (RRR) or 1% effective (ARR).
Relative Risk Reduction is a classic drug industry tactic to make drugs look like they work much better than they actually do and is one example of the many ways we have been lied to since the start of the pandemic.
But I don’t expect you to take my word for any of this…
Here’s what I’m asking you to do:
I’m asking you to stop listening to politicians, bureaucrats, and mainstream media outlets, who are taking money from drug companies and who are manipulating you with lies and fear.
And I’m asking you to take the time to educate yourself. Listen to the medical and scientific professionals who are speaking out. And use your deductive reasoning skills and the common sense that God gave you to draw your own conclusions.
I have compiled a list of interviews and papers from courageous doctors and scientists to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of this issue.
You’ve heard one side, now hear the other…
-Listen to French Virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV, on why we should not be giving experimental mRNA shots to humans, and how they can produce more aggressive variants, reduce your immunity against them, and may even cause neurodegenerative disease within 5-10 years. Two short clips here and here.
–Listen to Dr. Peter McCollough, the most published MD in heart and kidney research in the world, testify to the Texas Senate HHS Committee on how he and a team of doctors have been saving lives with early treatment using a combination of off-label drugs that doctors were told not to use. McCollough published this highly cited paper in August 2020 on their findings, which informs doctors on how to treat COVID-19. Dr. McCollough also believes the mRNA shots are more dangerous than the SARS-COV2 virus. Dr. McCollough and 56 other scientists and doctors authored this paper demanding the spike-protein-producing shots be halted. This interview with him is also worth watching.
-Read the urgent plea from Tess Lawrie, MD, Ph.D., and her team of scientists to the MHRA to stop the mRNA shots, based on analysis of the adverse events and death data in the UK. Dr. Laurie is a co-founder of the non-profit British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group ( Dr. Laurie is also a co-author of this June 2021 meta-analysis on Ivermectin studies which found that Ivermectin reduces the risk of death by 49% and reduces infection by 86%, on average. Listen to her interview with Bret Weinstein, Ph.D. here.
–Listen to this censored interview with Dr. Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA technology) and entrepreneur/philanthropist Steve Kirsch, who invented the optical computer mouse and founded a number of tech companies. Both men got the spike-protein-producing shots and now oppose them. Kirsch is the author of this monstrous and virtually irrefutable article highlighting all the problems with the COVID-19 vaccines and has even offered a $1 million reward to anyone who can prove that fluvoxamine is not effective in preventing hospitalization and long-haul COVID-19 symptoms. He has also offered a $250,000 reward to Fauci whistleblowers.
-Listen to this interview with Pierre Kory, MD (also deleted by YouTube) co-founder of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance discuss how he and his colleagues around the world have been successfully treating patients and saving lives with safe, 40-year old, anti-parasitic medicine Ivermectin. 31 randomized controlled trials (so far) show that Ivermectin is highly effective for prevention and treatment. It has also been found to help with long covid cases, and even for covid-like illness caused by the mRNA shots (here).
Ivermectin is the #1 solution for prevention and treatment and it’s being ignored because it’s off-patent, inexpensive, and is a threat to the multi-billion dollar vaccine campaign currently underway. Get the Ivermectin protocol here and find a doctor online to prescribe it here. I got a prescription and keep some on hand just in case. My wife has taken it with zero discernible side effects.
Ivermectin is safer than aspirin and also has anti-cancer effects.
–Listen to Richard Fleming, MD, Ph.D., JD, present a masterful comprehensive analysis on all of the missteps, consequences, collateral damage, and benefactors of pandemic promotion. This 4.5-hour presentation “blows up the island.” If you only watch one thing, this should be it. (Don’t only watch one thing.)
Read why a group of scientists and doctors including Peter Doshi, editor in chief of the British Medical Journal, have petitioned the FDA to not grant full approval to the COVID-19 shots.
–Listen to Dr. Roger Hodkinson on why spike-protein-producing shots should not be given to children (his interview starts at the 11-minute mark).
–Read this article by Kamran Abbasi, executive editor of the BMJ, on the politicization, corruption, and suppression of COVID-19 science by the medical-political complex.
–Listen to Professor Byram Bridle explain why the spike protein is a dangerous toxin and how the shots circulate it throughout the body via the bloodstream, which could lead to life-threatening blood clots, heart and brain damage, fertility issues, and risks to unborn and nursing babies.
-Listen to Professor of microbiology and immunology Sucharit Bhakti, MD discuss why the shots are “entirely senseless and useless” and why “every jab is potentially fatal,” how the risk of harm increases with each shot, and how spike-protein-induced blood clots damage different parts of the body. One chilling example, a clot in the umbilical vein will abort a fetus.
-Listen to immunologist and vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., DVM who has worked with the WHO, the Gates Foundation, the CDC, and UNICEF, raise the alarm on how the global shot campaign is evolutionary pressure and producing more deadly variants. The “vaccinated” are causing the variants not the unvaccinated.
–Listen to David Martin, Ph.D., founder, and CEO of M-CAM, which monitors patent activity, innovation, and economic activity in 168 countries, give a timeline overview of some of the SARS coronavirus patents (there have been over 4,000) filed since 1999 and why the SARS-COV2 coronavirus was not “novel” (new). For example, Pfizer first filed for a spike protein vaccine on January 28, 2000 (U.S. patent # 6372224). Dr. Martin raised the alarm about this research in 2001. His analysis of the players involved and the paper trail is astounding. I suggest you take a look at his Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier as well.
Listen to Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., former VP and Chief Scientist of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer, elegantly explain why the science does not support the idea of asymptomatic transmission, why PCR testing is a fraudulent diagnostic tool, why lockdowns and masking have harmed more people than they helped, the immense long-term danger of injecting spike-protein-producing mRNA into humans, and why scientists have been afraid to speak out. “Basically everything your government has told you about this virus–everything you need to do to stay safe–is a lie.” -Dr. Mike Yeadon
Listen to Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., senior research scientist at MIT and co-author of the peer-reviewed paper Worse than The Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19. Dr. Seneff anticipates that the mRNA shots will lead to an increase in auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD), a prion disease comparable to mad cow disease, in the next 10 to 15 years. She also explains the mechanisms by which foreign messenger RNA can be converted into DNA and the plausibility of spike-protein exosome shedding via breath, sweat, and breast milk from those injected with spike-protein-producing mRNA.
Whew! I know that seems like an overwhelming amount of information to digest, but believe me, you need to digest it!
Scroll up and dig in.
…Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally, published by Hay House, is a National Bestseller as ranked by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly! Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.
I’ve interviewed over 60 people who’ve healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types. Chris Beat Cancer is reader-supported. If you purchase a product through a link on this site I may receive compensation from the affiliate partner (like Amazon). Your support helps fund this blog and my mission so my team and I can continue to do the work that we do. Thank you!
Chris Wark
Chris Wark was diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003, at 26 years old. After surgery, he opted out of chemotherapy and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal. He began sharing his story in 2010 with a mission to inspire people to take control of their health and reverse disease by radically transforming their diet and lifestyle. Chris reaches millions of people each year as a blogger, podcaster, and keynote speaker. His book Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally, published by Hay House, is a National Bestseller as ranked by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, and Amazon.

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This is what MKE guide/mentor, Day Boswell, in her blog has to say:
Do you know what success looks like?
I continue to find deep inspiration from several sources, but my friends from the Master Key Experience, who encourage me to stay true to the success formula, and keep sharing their own successes, well, that’s just pure magic for me. Take Michael Puffer, for example. Michael is also a guide in the program, and he’s launching a charity to help those with brain injuries. Then there’s Darren Davis, another guide, who, along with this sons, created the Global Heroes series to honor those who are going the extra mile for others. So many others who have finished the program and created success in their lives continue to give back, and I am honored to be one of them.
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To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is the guy directly responsible for creating all this #MKE,, all this “nothinglikeit” ruckus!!!!—Mark J — self-proclaimed WORLD’S LAZIEST NETWORK MARKETER is right here. Check him out!
This guy playing the electric guitar on a city street in NY is something else. Check him out!
Loren, so much good information for us self-directed thinkers to consider. Thank you for your blog. From your mastermind partner. Your site looks so first-class.
Johnny, as a blog rover extraordinaire, I know you’ve seen many, so your kind words have found a welcome home in my heart. 🙂
Thanks for sharing Loren. You have provided a lot of information to allow self directed thinkers to take into account when making decisions
That’s precisely the intent of this post, Julie. It is not necessarily a read once and done, but a compilation of extremely pertinent references that a reader might find useful to refer back to. Your comment has made my effort completely worthwhile. THANKS! 🙂
Thanks for this valuable and timely information, Loren. I agree with John and Julie this is what a self-directed thinker needs in this day and age. Thanks for this precious information. I also want to thank you for adding my blogs to your favorites. Bookmarking this post for future reference. Thanks!!!
Thanks a trillion, Elena! I recently found out a chess friend of mine, Cesar, is in a hospital being treated for Covid-19. Apparently, he is in a coma. Therefore, I just sent another friend of Cesar, who is also dealing with Covid 19, a copy of this blog post for obvious reasons. When it comes to sharing valuable information, I believe our feelings are reciprocal. Thanks for being you! 🙂