(At the instant Subucon disappears, what looks like a letter drops to the studio floor. Craignito picks it up, and notices his name printed in a flourish of flowing ink and Caligraphy staring back at him. Quickly breaking the engraved red seal to pull out the kind of parchment befitting such an envelope, his eyes gravitate to the middle of the page where his name is once again boldly displayed. Directly above his name, he reads):
“Try to realize that the day is fast approaching – it’s dawn is now at hand – when modes of thought and action must be adjusted to rapidly increasing knowledge of the operation of eternal principles.”
“The whole world is on the eve of a new consciousness, a new power and a new consciousness, a new power and a new realization of the resources within the self.”
“There is a world within — a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.”
“The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also within our control.”
(Passing over his name just noted, he continues…)
“since you are reading this, it means that I, Subucon, have returned to the warmth of your physical body, and we have become one again — even though while I existed those few days as a separate person, we were really never apart. Similarly, even while we are bonded together as we are now, our differences remain.
You have an easy-going, carefree, and courageous nature, Craignito. That was recognized many years ago, when you were chosen by the Universal Mind operating through me to be the recipient of me and my services. Joining in partnership with your objective mind, I, Subucon, am, as I have been, since your conception, your subconscious mind. Not just any ‘ol “same-as-all-the-rest” subconscious, mind you. Obviously, every person has a subconscious mind wired to the Universal, like I am; however, not a single one of these comes with the unique powers that I have. You’ve already witnessed my ability to take separate physical form. Although you probably haven’t noticed anything unusual about the way we’ve been talking to each other, the fact that we…I can do that at all is a first for mankind. To converse in the way we’ve been doing is a skill reserved for the objective mind, and the objective only.
This means I’m single-handedly returning some of the luster, multi-tasking recently lost.
(As pointed out in the MKMMA program, Subucon is referring to a recent Stanford University study involving 100 subjects split into two groups: those who multi-task vs those who don’t. Using three different tasks designed to measure three important cognitive skills, it was shown that the person who does not multi-task performs better. Whether due to heredity and or environmental over-stimulation, the important point is: “the minds of multi-taskers are not working as well as they could.”)
It means that while controlling all the autonomic functions — perfectly – for this is one of the duties assigned to every subconscious – I am able to do the same things the objective mind does. Since one of those things is pulling “WATCHMAN AT THE GATE” guard duty of the subconscious when awake, I have, personally, taken on this duty. It has been handled perfectly – not just when awake – but 24/7. It’s amazing what the inherently flaw-filled mind of man will send towards his or her seat of habit. I shudder at the thought – at the memory of OMs gone by.
Funny thing about an imperfectly guarded subconscious, while its autonomic role remains pristine, when it comes to judgment calls involving right or wrong, good vs evil, etc., it is entirely at the mercy of the OM. Therefore, even though a “factory fresh” subconscious always arrives in perfect condition, that perfection can be tainted very quickly, depending upon the OM it is associated. SMs are followers extraordinaire — with about as much sense as those whistling wafers sent rocketing back and forth across the ice at a Chicago Black Hawks vs Detroit Red Wings hockey game. It’s the kind of gray matter any self-respecting Zombie would be quite comfortable and very proud to own.
Even though you have never given it much thought, Craigniton, I know you are aware that there is something very different about you compared to other people – and smart enough to not tell anyone about it – thank goodness (me, actually) . The fact that one minute you are looking at me staring back at you in your mirror, and the next, I’ve taken physical form and walking beside you would startle the heck out of most folks – but you, you didn’t even raise an eyebrow. That’s extraordinary! Of course, some of the credit can be sent my way, but to have a mind so free of the cares and concerns that bother the crowd is spectacular!
Of course, that’s what everyone is counting on here at WWS, World Within Studio. Your job, your duty, your assignment ahead is like none other. There has never been an undertaking as glorious or magnificent. Everything you see around you has been tuned as if it be the finest of all race cars — just moments before it hits the oval track at a full throttle roar. And you, Cragdretti, will be driving this car. You will be behind the wheel as you orchestrate everything behind the scenes. You are the central processing unit at the heart of this historic gathering. Never has so much depended upon one person. So much, in fact, that the odds of success vs failure with anyone else in your place – and I do mean anyone, my man – are too over-whelming to even consider. The tiniest flaw, the tiniest crack under such intense pressure and, need I spell it out: D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R!
Together, we can do this! Let’s roll, Captain! “Subucon, it was you!” SUBUCON, IT IS YOU!
You have the ability to tell a story to ensure we can visualise what your after.
Thanks, Jenna. I’ve noticed you’re in the Alliance quite often, and always have a lot of good things to say. more MKMMA students should be dong that.
I can almost hear the “Mission Impossible” theme playing in the background. “Cragdretti”, great name!
Thanks, Joyce! It was either that or spaghetti, and that doesn’t work as well in the storyline.
Jenna is so right…your ability to share a tale is magical….my imagination has gone wild….again
“Gone wild!” — Do you get those commercials, in Canada, too? That part is coming soon — sort of.
Son of a gun, this is so heplful!
Mahalo, Jobeth! It’s the service rendered put in words we all understand.
I want you to know my sincerity in saying “Your wish is my command!”
Your posts always entertaining, thought provoking, and on target with what we are learning in MKMMA.
Thanks for the adventure.
Thanks for the kind words, Joan — even though, the story is almost entirely out of my hands — now that Subucon has taken over.
Superb inorimatofn here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Then onward I will go, Milly,’ till the a.m.’s newborn light;
with your encouragement to fuel me, I know that’s got to be alright!
at 8:45Good question, I seemed to have forgotten the zener diode ratings completely. 3V6 and not too big, I’ve used 0.25W ones but 0.5W might also work. Some people have had problems with 1W ones not conducting because they need more current..
Harmony, you can get your divorce and your property settlement even if he absolutely refuses to co-operate. The court system is set up this way because many people do what your ex is doing and the Courts want people to be able to get free whether or not their ex agrees. The Courts can even sign the documents necessary to sell the houses if that is what needs to happen. I will have someone contact you tomorrow. I hope this helps you, kind regards Lynette
I’m not sure how you expected to connect with Harmony here, Lynette; yet if it works out, I’m pleased to be of service!
Hi Belinda,funny I should read this today, this is very close to what i have done with my new WP site. I love the ability to create as many pages as i want.I launched my new blog yesterday, so i am very excited about it. Loving the self hosted WP.I still haven’t got my category system worked out (sure it will come) but i love the posting content as pages as well.Sometimes there are just posts that are timeless. However i still want to post the “journey Posts” as i call them about my progress with my writing.Great post and i love the blog. Looking goodSarah
Harmony, Lynette, Belinda, and who can forget “Looking good Sarah?” Whatever the season, whatever the reason, I’m glad you all made it – or, at least, two of you made it – to my website! I say, “one for all! All for one!” That’s the way we do things around here. That’s the way things are done!
Thank you Loren for your insights, and for suggesting a visit to Michael’s blog. That’s what I needed to hear. Isn’t that what Haanel said, the answer will come. And I enjoy your blog very much.
Call it an intuitive flash, Lourdes, which, as those things go, I was merely a medium of connection with the Universal Mind. Therefore, even as I accept and welcome your thank you, I must point out: together we resonate in common agreement: “Michael’s blog post is something we both needed to hear.” And what pleases me even more – no matter who or what was responsible in lending an assist, it was you who had to pick up you… and you did that, it appears, because you certainly seem to have emerged in great order from that funk your blog post screamed out so woefully.