THE MASTER KEY MASTERMIND ALLIANCE can take you far – as far as your imagination is able – and most likely farther than you can imagine! Imagine that, and you’ve got the start of a fable. The kind of story told in olden times at a large Christmas table. Heroes there were 3, and guess what…one of them is me. Fawn and Stevo round out this galant MM trio. Together we are “tipping point, ” the name you’ve come to know. Off to save this world you see to the best of our combined ability; in the beginning so very slow. Yet, faster and faster as we went, we chipped away the Earth’s cement. To expose with the final peel the finest gold we’d ever seen! As does the part reveal the whole, such did the whole reveal the part; can you guess what this might mean? It meant far more than words can say I — so go, I must, and ask, may I?
With Week 15’s blog post due last Friday, and Week 11 my last published, I have spent the last week or two diligently writing to get my MKMMA blog up to speed and in harmony with my students. To satisfy this expectation, I have been writing about ways it can be met, and be met quickly. Subsequently, I have several posts almost ready to go; however, for reasons I prefer not to explore at the moment, getting these babies published has turned out to be more difficult than expected… And that’s really interrupted the flow!
While I might be inclined to call it an MIU paradox, others might refer to this stoppage somewhat differently – I mean, writing about ways to quickly catch up – even going so far as to point out how I’m limiting each post to approximately 500 words, makes this latest lull in production appear more a matter of poor planning (I could deny it. I won’t even try it. A true paradox implies a sufficient amount of pre-planning, does it not? In order to build a solid case, does it not? And that solid case is made simply by the results of the action taken: put simply, getting caught up and in harmony.
Some might say excuses have their uses in that powerful realm paradoxes tend to roam. True, perhaps, few and far between, probably. Yet to list any of them here to explain the obvious contradiction of saying one thing to prevent another thing, yet the other thing happens anyway, because I never get around to saying what I intended to say, seems as foolish as collecting and saving enough money to buy something going on sale the next day. The next day comes and goes, and without any reasonable explanation, I never take advantage of this sale, and never buy what I intended to buy.
While I don’t use a pressure cooker to cook chicken and dumplings, like my mom and dad used to do; lately, I need be neither chicken nor dumplings to feel what those foods must have felt. In order to release some of this pent-up pressure, I knew I needed to step back for a more panoramic view – a “forest for the trees” type of action. What better way to do this than with a “sit?” I didn’t do it. Why not? Not enough time. Therefore, if the idea I came up with: writing an additional post devoted to describing what I had already written and not published – as noted above – would be ideal, because inserting it as my Week 12 post fits the MIU definition. It would also help me avoid the “three gutter” rule designed to make it readily apparent how close I was to engaging the “FOUR WEEKS WITHOUT PUBLISHING” rule. It’s violations of this that result in names being taken off the MKE Blogroll. Oddly enough, despite how much this additional post was needed, it never even made it to the drafting table.
Now, I really needed something quick, and I needed it fast. In the business world we have today, where the fast eat the slow, if any value were to come from the time and effort I had already put forth; then I’d better giddyup; or whatever I be sending won’t meet my publishing expectations, thus have a chance to be harmonically in tune with what I’d like to call a happy ending!
“Ho, ho, ho!”
“Who’s that?”
“Just call me Santa’”
“For my question.”
“Have you checked your word count lately? No need to answer. 568, without adding in either this “Ho, ho, ho, dialogue, or your new preamble!”
When it comes to speed, the following article, while it may make finding MKE relevance a stretch, it is, otherwise, self-explanatory. For now, although not as funny as a cartoon, I humbly hope you may find it as entertaining as just about anything else you’ve ever seen or heard during the typical movie theater intermission:
It’s well known that Jamaican sprinter and 100m world record holder, Usain Bolt, is the fastest human on Earth. But how does he compare to his speedy animal counterparts? Bolt’s world record of 9.58 seconds for the 100m race in Berlin 2009 (as shown in the video above) places him at a top speed of 30 mph with an average speed of 23.5 mph. However, these six animals listed from slowest to fastest, leave him in the dust, reaching double and even triple the top speeds that Bolt would only dream of ever achieving. When it comes to speed efficiency, Bolt could learn a thing or two from his furry friends.
1. North African Ostrich
North African Ostriches are the fastest birds on land. Their ability to reach up to speeds of 40 mph allows them to outrun predators, which makes up for their inability to fly. They’re also incredibly amusing to watch.
2. Greyhound
There’s a reason why greyhound racing exists. The long and lean body of a greyhound, allows it to extend its body and cover more ground. Only a little faster than the North African Ostrich, greyhounds can reach a top speed of 43 mph.
The fastest thoroughbred racehorse has reached top speeds of 55mph, almost double that of Usain Bolt’s 100m world record top speed. However, thoroughbred’s aren’t just fast, they’re also known for their stamina and can maintain a pace of 16 mph for 60 miles. Talk about the ultimate ultra marathoner.
Sarah, a cheetah residing at the Cincinnati zoo is undoubtedly the fastest of all land mammals. On June 20, 2012 she ran 100m in 5.95 seconds with a top speed of 61 mph. That’s nearly 4 seconds faster than Bolt’s 100m world record and more than double his top speed.
Although not a land animal (and perhaps harder to compare a flying bird to a human running on foot) the Peregrine Falcon’s prowess in speed is mind blowing. If Bolt were to choose to be any animal, it would be the Peregrine Falcon. Faster than a sports car, this small predator can reach up to a top speed of 161 mph. That’s five times faster than Bolt’s top speed.
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