The MKE Elite Mastermind Program covers the exquisite Wallace Wattles’ trilogy, THE SCIENCE OF BEING GREAT, THE SCIENCE OF BEING WELL, and THE SCIENCE OF BEING RICH. Students in this program are given chapters in these three classics to interpret for oral presentation to the class. What follows is my interpretation of Chapter 2, as noted in the subtitle above.

Chapter 2 is divided into 12 parts – letters A – L

A. No matter what nation or station our parents happen to be, no one is completely stifled by any limitations imposed by their heredity. Because growth in its totality is determined by the thoughts in the realm of our mentality.

B. Despite the fact there may exist at birth some degree of subconscious predilection — sad, shy, or angry – they can all be cast aside, similar in fashion to dealing with an infection, and we can all be reborn as heroes — made even greater by this resurrection.

C. You see an inherited mental trait is merely a habit of thought, so no need to think of ourselves as helpless and caught in this web our parents have wrought. As some of us know, there is a mental law of substitution — sad to glad, shy to “Hi”, anger to joy — to emerge of much nobler constitution, whether girl, whether boy.

D. Heredity also plays a part in the size and constituents within our cranial vault, and, indeed, with greater facility determines the nature of our special ability, and in no way undermines the stature of our salt.

E. And once again we see that the size of our permanent cranial formation as something not indicative for either reverence or deformation, though some may argue this is so, for it’s the quality of the cellular constituency that determines how high we can go or low, and by using the power of our purpose and will to develop any particular skill and talent there is no end to the seeds in this area we can sow — so head held high, we can be quite gal!ant.

F. I reiterate there is truth in the notion of inherited natural ability and this corresponds to the type of things that come with greater ease and facility; yet if enough effort is made, we can go in any direction we choose, no matter how steep the grade.

G. You see, you can be what you will to be. The vital factor is the ideal you’ve chosen to see. It’s the focused resolution of our thought that stokes the mind and can bring powerful, meaningful insight to those cognitively blind.

H. The brain does not make the man, it’s the man that makes the brain. When it comes to profit, it’s up to us, not our parents, if our tally shows a loss or a gain.

I. And what’s been stated holds true for any lack in our current societal circumstance. The power of God is in every soul and it is this alone that is enough; so why cry and moan when we can rise to sing and dance. God designed all there is to grow, and so it is with the circumstances of society, industry, and government. Our attitude determines our altitude. And once again that’s how high we can go. For there is the principle of oneness that binds us all within the unified field. We must set our minds on our being great, all the rest will follow in the huge outcome that’s revealed

.J. Man was designed for growth and all things eternal were designed to promote this advancing way. So once a man decides to take this upward journey, constrained only by natural law, he finds not only God, but nature, society, and his fellow man are all for him once upon this path he decides to stay. All things work together for his good to create the vision that he saw.

K. History reveals the truth of what’s been said. No degree of poverty has limited the greatness towards which many men have been led. Martin Luther, Linnaeus, Hugh Miller, George Stephenson, James Watt, and Abraham Lincoln were all men born in poverty or raised in adversity, yet all used the power within us all to rise far, far above their own particular lowly lot, to attain the greatness they all eventually got.

L. So we see there is a Principle of Power in each and every one of us that when appropriately applied, can take everything upward in historical proportion, like all the boats within an ocean are taken by the rising of the tide.

As a THANK YOU for stopping by here’s one of the latest YouTube videos coming from the 13-year-old Norwegian sensation, ANGELINA JORDAN.