As mentioned in a couple of my most recent posts, the MKE Elite MM Program covers the exquisite Wallace Wattles’ trilogy, THE SCIENCE OF BEING GREAT, THE SCIENCE OF BEING WELL, and THE SCIENCE OF BEING RICH. Students in this program are given chapters in these three classics to interpret for oral presentation to the class. What follows is my interpretation of Chapter 19, as noted in the subtitle above.
Chapter 6 is divided into 19 parts – letters a – s
a. Whether Lincoln or Luther, or Willard or Washington – one distinguishing characteristic they shared with all the really great men and women of the world is their unwavering faith. Without it, it’s impossible to become great; with it, you can plant your Flag with some great accomplishment. Its woven cloth unfurled. b. I realized some time ago that the principles of oneness, love, and a multi-perceptual viewpoint were some of the most important I would ever know. In this part, Wallace Wattles tells us why this might be so. Believe it or not, it is not faith in ourselves or our personal power we must depend. It’s faith in the principle which upholds that which is right that means the most. With victory in our sight, in the very end. and whether we have this faith depends solely upon our personal point of view. Only with an open mind — open enough to see the world as an evolving and growing place, all held together by the God force, the unified field, the oneness expressed via the power of love, can we see the truth that so few have had instilled in their youth – so of all the possible viewpoints we need at least two, and if it’s the one just stated, regarding Faith in God , and love, then we learn firsthand it’s true. c. Wattles takes a Darwinian point of view, looking at the world as passing through a number of advancing stages that have taken place throughout the ages. From these so-called lower forms of life to the more advanced ones we have today, God’s work has always been unfinished, yet perfect in its way. Physically, socially, and industrially, it is all good. Perhaps that’s why we’ve all heard this expression so many of us tend to say. d. Upon this fact alone must rest our own point of view, that the world and all that’s in it, is, indeed, perfect, though not completed, and that this we know is true. e. If small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, and great minds talk about ideas, then realize that one of the greatest is “all’s right with the world.” That’s a great fact to hold because it means there is nothing wrong with anything or anybody and in this day and age to believe in such a thing is being uniquely, even dangerously, bold. f. This is the only view of life we should ever consider taking. It must become our standpoint because it is the only stand worth making. g. There is nothing wrong with nature, because nature is a great advancing presence, working beneficially for the happiness of all. All things in nature are good and she has no evil. That’s a fact that must be understood. Her work like all the rest of creation is not completed, and thus even more abundance than we have yet to see is definitely on its way, because nature is a partial expression of God, and God is love. Isn’t that what you earlier heard me say? h. And so it is so with human society and government. Trusts and capital, strikes and lockouts may not seem the type of things we like to see, yet they are part of the evolutionary process of completing society, and thus such things must be. i. Certainly when society is complete, it may seem as if a harmonic symphony, yet until then we must contend with some things that live in infamy. For instance, J.P. Morgan is as necessary to the coming social order as the Jurassic Period of reptiles was required to bring the rise of humans these reptiles once considered prey. Does this mean that J.P. Morgan was a snake? Based upon the bond between humans and social order, that’s an interesting stand to take. j. Yes, though both government and industry seem less primitive than yesteryear, it’s also easy to see a frightful state of affairs bringing fear and anxiety and worry to the crowd, yet only when taking the viewpoint already stated – of perfection and incompleteness – can we reach a state of undeniable sweetness. And though these words come to us through the passage of time that is exceptionally long, they speak incredibly loud. k, l. m. At this point, I move away from the text for a moment to ask the question: with all the suppression of the truth laid upon us via the cabal to the government to the major social media networks to those who are willing to listen there is been a constant diet of negativity successfully designed to turn the majority of people to the new breed of cattle that those in the know call sheeple; and as one revelation is followed by another, and another, and another, it becomes harder and harder and harder to resist the temptation to speak out against the atrocities we know to be true. I know this to be a fact, because I have been one of those quite vocal, and, perhaps, one of them is you. It’s a fine line we tread, between the life we want to live amidst so many things we’ve come to dread. As the self-directed thinkers that we are, we can, we must, follow the certain way and realize it’s all good and growing and thus know it’s all okay. If it’s “always darkest before the light,” for those believing this cliche is right, then we can let great movies such as “Thrive 2” provide the beacon we’ve been seekin’ and thus on scientifically verified principles that are clear out of sight. And above all amidst so much insanity there is one piece of knowing required to avert what could very well be the world’s worst calamity. What might that be? If ever there is alien involvement based upon the “Independence Day” scenario, the aliens doing bad things are humanoid, because all extraterrestrials are good. Remember that! Spread the word…even though many may think you crazy and think what you are saying quite absurd. Letters n — s. Rather than trudge along, word for word, as I was doing before this latest deviation, I do believe the rest can be summarized with the thought that many of us have already realized. Rising to the higher viewpoint is independent from the ruling class, thus lies not with our employers, but the workers themselves. We must all rise, one by one to the mental plane of living and ask for more of the things that make for the life of the mind and soul. We, as self-directed thinkers, are like seeds within the whole, and to the degree that we are able to live our lives with faith in a certain way with a better heart and a more hopeful spirit is how best to play our role. So you see it makes a vast difference to me, this matter of the social viewpoint. All’s right with the world nothing can possibly be wrong but my personal attitude, and I will make that right. I will see the facts of nature and all the events, circumstances, and conditions of society, politics, government, and industry from the highest viewpoint. It is all perfect, though incomplete. It is all the handiwork of God, behold, I am, and that by definition is all very good and essentially can’t be beat. |
I continue to find deep inspiration from several sources, but my friends from the Master Key Experience, who encourage me to stay true to the success formula, and keep sharing their own successes, well, that’s just pure magic for me. Take Michael Puffer, for example. Michael is also a guide in the program, and he’s launching a charity to help those with brain injuries. Then there’s Darren Davis, another guide, who, along with this sons, created the Global Heroes series to honor those who are going the extra mile for others. So many others who have finished the program and created success in their lives continue to give back, and I am honored to be one of them.
So what does success look like for you? Do you know what you want? Are you living the success formula to get it? The hands-on support, the real-life advice from people who have been there and done that is worth the price of admission (only $1, by the way)!

Join my list today so I can make sure you get a scholarship to the 2021-2022 class that launches in early September! Arm yourself with a proven toolbox and steps to go out and get exactly what you want in life. But of course, that requires full confidence and trust in yourself and in the success of the relationships and accomplishments you’ve already created. This course has already got documented evidence that it helps people improve in all these areas. Spread you wings and live a life worth loving!
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is the guy directly responsible for creating all this #MKE,, all this “#nothinglikeit” ruckus!!!!—Mark J — self-proclaimed WORLD’S LAZIEST NETWORK MARKETER is right here. Check him out!
As a final THANK YOU for stopping by here’s one of the latest YouTube videos coming from the 13-year-old Norwegian sensation, ANGELINA JORDAN.
Another awesome content. I like Week 33 the most but I love all of them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and artistic renditions and for sharing the fabulous Angelina Jordan.
Loren, good for you for explaining the importance of faith. Thank you for your blog. From your blog rover friend John.