As mentioned in a couple of my most recent posts, the MKE Elite MM Program covers the exquisite Wallace Wattles’ trilogy, THE SCIENCE OF BEING GREAT, THE SCIENCE OF BEING WELL, and THE SCIENCE OF BEING RICH. Students in this program are given chapters in these three classics to interpret for oral presentation to the class. What follows is my interpretation of Chapter 15, as noted in the subtitle above.
Chapter 15 is divided into 15 parts — Letters a through o.
[a] When action is the main attraction, the same rules apply here there and everywhere. Remember we as people are all equal, we are all God’s living in a perfect world. The same batons in every hand, it’s up to us how they’re twirled.
[b] Knowing the truth is oh so important. Look to the world within to find it. While sitting in quiet stillness the connection with the universal mind is made, the knowledge provided to travel any road no matter how it might be paved.
[c] The greatest men, men like Abraham Lincoln, always act with poise and faith without worry or hurry or haste. When we do the same we can be sure our judgment is correct and we will know exactly what to do. This is always true whether speaking of me or speaking of you.
[d] Have faith, perfect faith, and your ability to cope with any combination of circumstances that may arise. Do not let aloneness or ignorance impede you on your way. Friends carrying books are right there waiting for you to simply say like Willy Mays, “hey.”
[e] Both internally and externally, all the knowledge we will ever need is coming to us now. Simply awaken to the greatness within you, and you needn’t worry how.
[f] Do not attempt to do great things until you’re ready to do them in a great way. By keeping our viewpoint high, our consecration complete, our faith and courage unwavering, take your time, and soon the taste of greatness you will be savoring.
[g] Great men never seek recognition or applause for simply being great is their cause.
[h] A great mental attitude is contagious. The constantly increasing number of people looking up to you for strength and inspiration soon becomes outrageous.
[i] Mind your own business and never mettle in other people’s affairs. Remember being a self-directed thinker means minding your own life and not theirs. Living your own life in a great way is always the example we should be setting, and in this way, it’s always the best we will be getting.
[j] What someone else does is not up to us to teach, preach, or say. Only when someone asks is such advice okay.
[k] When your point of view is correct and true, then just live this way in everything you do. Standing firm upon this principle is more than enough, though sometimes doing so appears extremely tough.
[l] Simply by being one with God is all we’ll ever need. No need to save the world, living our life in a great way is more than enough, indeed.
[m] Therefore, don’t go a-hunting for great things to do, if such things are out there for the finding, they will oh so surely be a-finding you.
[n] No matter a person’s financial place or stature, remember to treat as one God to another. Give each and everyone the same respect you would give your father or your mother.
[o] In the realm of abundance, slaves do not exist. To think of them at all, and the notion of them will persist. The visions we hold in our minds are reflected back to us in life. Therefore, I hold only the most perfect visions for me, because they are the blueprint of my destiny.
This is what MKE guide/mentor, Day Boswell, in her blog has to say:
Do you know what success looks like?
I continue to find deep inspiration from several sources, but my friends from the Master Key Experience, who encourage me to stay true to the success formula, and keep sharing their own successes, well, that’s just pure magic for me. Take Michael Puffer, for example. Michael is also a guide in the program, and he’s launching a charity to help those with brain injuries. Then there’s Darren Davis, another guide, who, along with this sons, created the Global Heroes series to honor those who are going the extra mile for others. So many others who have finished the program and created success in their lives continue to give back, and I am honored to be one of them.
So what does success look like for you? Do you know what you want? Are you living the success formula to get it? The hands-on support, the real-life advice from people who have been there and done that is worth the price of admission (only $1, by the way)!

Join my list today so I can make sure you get a scholarship to the 2021-2022 class that launches in early September! Arm yourself with a proven toolbox and steps to go out and get exactly what you want in life. But of course, that requires full confidence and trust in yourself and in the success of the relationships and accomplishments you’ve already created. This course has already got documented evidence that it helps people improve in all these areas. Spread you wings and live a life worth loving!
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is the guy directly responsible for creating all this #MKE,, all this “nothinglikeit” ruckus!!!!—Mark J — self-proclaimed WORLD’S LAZIEST NETWORK MARKETER!!! Right here. Check him out!
As one last THANK YOU for stopping by here’s a tik tok coming from the 15-year-old Norwegian sensation, ANGELINA JORDAN!!!
I love letter O of this content. I also love Angelina’s Yesterday rendition. Thanks
Loren, so much good stuff in your blog. I shall mention one point. Time to awaken and embrace our greatness in ourselves to serve others and thus serve ourselves. Thank you for your blog. From your blog rover friend John.