The photo above was taken just before i became one of the first ever MKE Blog Rovers. For all of you still inclined to believe a person can never change, I think doing the MKE (Master Mind Experience) 6-month program not only changed me mentally, but also physically. Don’t think so? Just take a look — moment to moment — comment to comment, as I continue…
A chronological chronicle, a comment compendium composed and collected by the guy some call Lorenzo.
Some thoughts On the importance of blogging
Even casual observation is sufficient to know the positive correlation between staying current writing and submitting weekly blog posts, and the likelihood of graduating at the end of the MKE program;. Even a sentence or two is better than nothing at all, in the long haul.
There is a misconception that if your blog continues to falter and find yourself further and further behind, “might as well quit now, because I’m so far behind already, I’ll never catch up and failure is already impossible to avoid.” If this were really true, it’s only because we’ve allowed ourselves to fall into the illusion that tangible requirements, as important as they’ve been purported to be, will never keep a determined person from experiencing the MKE program in its entirety.
In the beginning there appears to be a certain degree of honor associated with graduations in general. I don’t think it’s always obvious to every member, even after having graduated, there will be no diplomas, no special accolades; however, the opportunity to become lifetime members and guides more than makes up for the non existence of congratulatory documentation.
Seems to me, the importance of completing the MKE program be associated early and often with the two opportunities noted. The importance of carrots should never be minimized just as the use of all the carrots available maximized.
This power-pose stuff even makes me feel young again!
22. Just like Gandhi, Neil, you appear to be leveling things out to an even keel! Thanks for making it real!!!
A baby picture of my sister and me.
23. Dawn and/or Ran, you’ve demonstrated with this most excellent post that you can! So, please, giddyup and get one more post published before Friday this, and we can keep you on the blogroll and give you a great big MKE hug and a kiss!!!
24. Obviously, persistence has paid off big time for you and your family! It’s taken root, and now is affecting the entire family tree! Now that’s a #MKE way to be!
Hey, little girl, want some candy?
25.Regarding what you’ve written, I do believe your first name could just as easily been “Mary,” because this post has a distinctive spiritual flavor – one could almost call sacred. Taking another viewpoint, subsequent to placing the same Mary in front of your Ellen seems appropriate, too, because this post of yours really jams! I hope you can hear me – you got me a bit excited – and I’m YELLING!
26. What you did with your parents exposure, gave me a feeling of closure! How about you? The way things are came together might be considered one of those “inextricable things!” Don’t you think?
I’ve got to quit hangin’ out by these school yard fences!
27. Might what you are calling “a stroke of luck and good fortune, also be called one of those “inextricable things?” Don’t be surprised if it’s MKMMA, and not the Red Bull, that gives you wings!
28. The gal in the glass is a vignette! The gal in the glass we won’t ever forget!
I think they are beginning to figure out I don’t really go to this school…especially after I gave them my definition of “THE GOLDEN RULE.”
29. This post got me deep in my head, pondering the words that you’ve said. Crying, crawling, inching forward a little at a time; with all your knowing, all your growing, what you are reaching for must be something quite sublime!
30. I can tell from this story of your DMP acquisition, it’s physiological position. Placed deep within your core is that brick, someone could haul off and hit it with a pick, and it’s still gonna stick! Woohooooo!!
Mahalo, for returning me to a day when I was “viscerally reminded,” I was nearly blinded, though the skies be dark and gray!
After I told one gal I was the 100th monkey, she said instead of Clint Eastwood, I should have played the lead role in the movie, “DIRTY HAIRY…HARRY.”
31. What does your post say to me? Hmmmm! With all that is infinite at our disposal, even amidst such diversity – sometimes even, adversity – we can find that “one thing” – uniquely our own – yet with so much meaningful value for others, it could be taught at the University! So, for all you “sheeple” out there, “listen to Kim!” Mahalo!!
32. And this post – OMG! – Without a sound, the sit is lyrical – without a doubt, a miracle! Mahalo!
Oh, the wisdom I got from school. The “GOLDEN RULE” is not about who has the most gold rules, after all. It’s about the service rendered. My mama didn’t raise no fool. (You might want to check that double negative, Mr. Big Tooth, with the Cheshire grin).
33. As you lean back into the past and/or forward into the future, I’m curious to know if 1. Are you in a sit when doing this? And 2. Is what you’re bringing back into the current moment – the now – making more or less of it?
34. This is a very thought-provoking post, Kaori! Because of it, I realized I have drifted away from my everyday habit of listening to an audio entitled “UNLIMITED AND FREE.” With thousands of overlaying positive affirmations, this is a habit I need to reinstall! In fact, a few moments ago, I dug it out of mothballs, and listened for a while! Thanks for this, and thanks for writing such a great post!
I do a great impression of Satchmo Louis Armstrong. Want to hear it?
35. Yes, you’re old blueprint is feeling neglected. Keep up your vigilance, until it’s completely ejected!
36. I thank you, Jessica, for this reminder of a positive habit we would all do well to incorporate into our personal blueprint! I daresay you are obviously losing your resistance to persistence!
I love the direction of your persistence – aimed straight at the heart of being a self-directed thinker; because that’s something we should all take to heart!
37. For some reason, Janicke, the book written by a Ram Dass began to shriek at me “BE HERE NOW!” Can you think of any reason why?
Don’t be staring at me too long, or you’ll be thinking of reasons “why not,” instead.
As a great big thank you for stopping by, I think it only appropriate to end this episode of MKE personal transformation with Black Sabbath’s, Ozzy Osbourne , singing the very haunting, “CHANGES.”
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Once again. MAHALO!
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