Every year, come May, June, or July, The Master Key Experience presents an annual, week-long retreat in Kauai, HI. However, for the past two years, due to the plandemic, this retreat was stay-at-home virtual. Although the Hawaiian ambiance is missing, the informational wisdom that sets the MKE above all the rest, in general, remains as steadfast during this special event as it does throughout the uniquely powerful 6-month, life-changing program.
Since specially designed activities for the most part remain unchanged year-to-year, the same holds true for the live/virtual retreat. For example, at the end of every retreat, participants are paired to mastermind completion of what’s called a 30-day exercise.
I’ll forego providing additional details regarding this exercise, including what the incorporated “FRANKLIN MAKE-OVER” might be, to simply let you know that my answer to the implied question:
‘If any of what I have written was true…”
is unorthodox compared to most, if not all, the answers everyone else, including myself, has ever created. I decided to give it greater exposure in the fine tradition of the MUI, which I’ve previously blogged about (see blogs…), because it’s a way to offer a taste of MKE philosophically (along with a bit of mine), while tending to the symptoms of my self-diagnosed RHYME DESEASE.
So without further ado,
“If any of what I have written was true,”
it might be better if I really followed through,
because only then would it be the me I wish to see,
without need of further encouragement from my mm partner, that is you.
Not that this is the greatest thing if true,
because we are all one after all,
whether living small or “Standing Tall.”
I guess I may have chosen differently, instead of what words I did.
Look for the paradox inside, where it’s often hid.
Look at me looking at a pool of water, and me becomes we.
Look at evil written on a page, and we see “live” getting ready to engage.
From an acorn comes the tree,
from two seeds comes the me,
that in humans terms always takes a mother.
We all start out the same way, so much alike, yet so different from one another.
The direction we take, the power we express, is, therefore, very genetically inclined,
yet just as importantly, upon the quality of love we were weaned and entwined.
I guess what I’m trying to say, and upon the truth of this, I pray.
It’s based on a universal truth more certain than the warmth generated by the thing we call our sun.
ONENESS, is the power that binds us,
no matter where in the world fate should find us.
And our fate depends so little upon victory in battle,
yet so much to how much we’ve been able to express our kindness.
And to anyone who thinks it may be anything other,
may any inaccuracies inherant be nothing more than the common signs of external control;
rounding us all up together with methods designed to keep us apart.
All of which made possible by what can only be explained by a fortunately, temporary state of mental blindness,
Caused by Oz-like manifestations of those who need a heart,
People are people, no matter how absurd the herd.
That’s a fact that will always be,
And the TRUTH alone is right there, and there, and there.
Twill someday soon set us free!
This is what MKE guide/mentor, Day Boswell, in her blog has to say:
Do you know what success looks like?
I continue to find deep inspiration from several sources, but my friends from the Master Key Experience, who encourage me to stay true to the success formula, and keep sharing their own successes, well, that’s just pure magic for me. Take Michael Puffer, for example. Michael is also a guide in the program, and he’s launching a charity to help those with brain injuries. Then there’s Darren Davis, another guide, who, along with this sons, created the Global Heroes series to honor those who are going the extra mile for others. So many others who have finished the program and created success in their lives continue to give back, and I am honored to be one of them.
So what does success look like for you? Do you know what you want? Are you living the success formula to get it? The hands-on support, the real-life advice from people who have been there and done that is worth the price of admission (only $1, by the way)!

Join my list today so I can make sure you get a scholarship to the 2021-2022 class that launches in early September! Arm yourself with a proven toolbox and steps to go out and get exactly what you want in life. But of course, that requires full confidence and trust in yourself and in the success of the relationships and accomplishments you’ve already created. This course has already got documented evidence that it helps people improve in all these areas. Spread you wings and live a life worth loving!
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is the guy directly responsible for creating all this #MKE, MasterKeyExperience.com, all this “nothinglikeit” ruckus!!!!—Mark J — self-proclaimed WORLD’S LAZIEST NETWORK MARKETER is right here. Check him out!
This is the incredibly talented singer from Norway, Angelina Jordan, performing when she was. 12 years old:
Loren, you have a gift for writing poetry. Good for you. How true you are about MKE. Thank you for your blog.
From your blog rover friend John.
I love your style of creating poetry out of most of your blogs. It creates an impactful cadence that helps my Subby remember. I agree about the MKE impact in your life and in mine. Thanks for being the self-directed thinker that you are. I truly appreciate you.
Manifesting abundance is sheer poetry…Way to go.
And when it comes to MKE abundance, you are a major part of that! Thanks, Roz! 🙂
Loren, I was immediately drawn to the photo you chose to illustrate your blog! And then to come inside and get to read your treat of poetry had me dancing like the seahorse as well. This line is particularly poignant and I thank you for it: “People are people, no matter how absurd the herd. ” Our mission is clear!
Shirley, you have proven yourself to be such a discerning detective within the spiritual realm, adds an exponential degree of positivity to your wonderful comment! 🙂
You are a gifted writer and Poet there is no questions about it! Mahalo for this great blog and all the sharing inside. I very much identify with the line “Look for the paradox inside, where it’s often hid.” It’s always there if we just take the time to take care and look.
Thanks, Davene! I think it’s only fitting that “With love I tear down the wall of suspicion and hate which they have built round their hearts and in its place I build bridges so that my love may enter their souls.” A little PMA kinda helps also. 🙂