CHANGE YOUR HABITS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE. That’s what the 6-month long Master Key Experience (#MKE) program is all about. If it’s a great life you want, then it just might take great information to get you there. For example, the inspirational guidance given while I was enrolled in the MKE Elite program, fueled my poetic interpretation of what Wallace Wattles tells us in his classic “The Science of Getting Rich”  is “THE CERTAIN WAY.”  If we do things in this way, we will certainly become rich.

 “The Certain Way”


Constant detached gratitude clears the space and sets the table

For the great riches all people following “The Certain Way” can enable.


And what should our wondering, creative, and passionate mind should appear,

A clear mental picture — detailed and definite and detached makes it magically magnetic for our mental focus to adhere.


Next the title of Billy Joel’s hit song comes to mind, “Keeping The Faith” (found at the end of this blog, listen and watch the video) — meaning we know that we know that we know.

With the same certainty in our vision that Morpheus had in Neo*; means we’re definitely set and ready to go.


So much so, we’re grateful again – this time for what is coming.

Behold, an allied army of mental minions marching up the hill – what a thrill – we can almost hear them drumming.


It’s no secret unless we’ve read the book (in which case, it probably still is) that action must be taken,

If we are going to take home the bacon.


Like a Zen master who stores his “to do’s” when done in a great big sack labeled ” Happy Knack,”*

Filled with SAP’s – small, achievable perfections – to keep us certainly on track.


Navigating the world undaunted and unhindered no matter how deep the state –

Remember sometimes keeping the mouth shut can be quite a burden when traveling through the “trollian”* web of lies, deceit, and deception — good thing our compass is set on great.


So always keep, at least, two non-geographical maps on hand –

“The Science of Being Rich,” (of course) and “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude,”* (the perfect companion) to help ensure the wealth we’ve planned.


It may not seem to be perfect this world that we see,

However, with the Universal within and without: it’s as perfect in becoming as the world that will be.


And for this, we are grateful again – detached from the outcome for whatever we find

Will be creative solutions — some so surprising they’re certain to blow each and every mind.



Neo* — Morpheus and Neo are two of the main characters in the movie “The Matrix.”


Keanu Reeves: Neo
“Where’s that ‘CERTAIN WAY’ again?”

” Happy Knack,”* – a term used in the Masterkey Experience program to denote someone who has mastered his or her daily routine to the point where things get done effectively, efficiently, and seemingly effortlessly.

“trollian”* — is a made-up word based upon 1. “The Tholian Web,” that occurred during a 1968 Season 3 episode of StarTrek. If the Thulians had been able to complete their web in time, it would have said “bye bye” to the Starship Enterprise and all its occupants, and 2. The internet troll. An internet troll is someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic. They can come in many forms. Most trolls do this for their own amusement, but other forms of trolling are done to push a ,agenda.  


“Success through a Positive Mental Attitude,”* — written by Napolean Hill and W. Clement Stone is the go to classic when it comes to success in any human endeavor — especially business.

As it relates to the “CERTAIN WAY,” you can judge this book by its cover.


Some Additional Thoughts

Although the the main ideas that represent “THE CERTAIN WAY” (Gratitude, Clear Mental Image, aka Definite Major Purpose, Faith, more Gratitude, taking Action, using Outside Resources to re-enforce the positive and happy way to be, Detach from the outcome with more Faith mixed with more Gratitude), are presented as if straight from the source,

They were derived during this year’s Elite MKE Mastermind Course.


As such, these ideas when properly followed can work like an oracle;

However this “Road” despite its “Golden Bricks” is quite metaphorical.


So, as part of the many MKE written resources, Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits*…,” Emerson’s “Give more, get more”* decree,

And adding “The Greatest Salesman in the World”*, all help mix the concrete, they are still only three.


Going forward, for many readers the following philosophical ideas my be too obvious to mention,

Yet they are too important to miss and deserve special attention.


Always give our best in the service we render,

That’s how everything grows when we are the sender.


What goes around, comes around in greater measure.

It makes simple sense to make sure what we put out there is what we know most folks will treasure.


When following the “CERTAIN  WAY” as laid out in this universal plan,

Assuring the Universal delivers as you are certain it can.


Remember the power of this kind of partnership depends upon our spiritual nature deep in our mind.

So deep it may be easily forgotten unless our daily ritual ensures naught of this kind.


That’s why I’ve chosen “The Success Formula”* that is DMP* + PMA* + WPOA* + MM* to tie things together into a wonderful knot.

What final reminder can better ensure the riches to come are greater than those we originally sought?



“Seven Habits…,”* —  short for Stephen Covey’s classic, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

Similar to MKE and “THE CERTAIN WAY,” Covey also distills things down to Habits

“Give more, get more”* — a #MKE derivation based upon Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous essay, “Compensation.” How cool is that?

“The Greatest Salesman in the World”* — legendary in its popularity throughout the world this classic written by Og Mandino is another primary source of information and inspiration adopted by the MKE program.

The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino (eBook): eBooks
The first of the 10 scrolls this book makes famous, features guess what? HABITS? Correct!

The Success Formula* that is DMP* + PMA* + WPOA* + MM* — The Success Formula is another MKE derivation based upon information found in the aforementioned “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude.” DMP stands for “definite major purpose;” PMA stands for “positive mental attitude;” WPOA stands for a written “plan of action;” MM stands for a “mastermind,” which is two or more people working in perfect harmony to achieve a worthy mutual plan or purpose.


(Note — the blog I published prior to this one also featured a poem. That poem focused on “The Seventeen Habits” found in another classic, “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude,” by Napoleon Hill and W Clement Stone.)


Need I say more, senor?


Okay, here’s how MKE Guide, Elena, closed one of her recent blogs,

Honing Skills

As I continue to hone my skills of mastery of every aspect of my life, I get closer and closer to the person God has created me to be. I am forever grateful to these teachings and exercises that help me with the mastery of all I am learning through the Master Keys.

I would love to leave you with this quote:

Increase in me that wisdom which discovers my truest interest. Strengthen my resolution to perform that which wisdom dictates.

Benjamin Franklin

Don’t forget this,

Finally, as promised,

Billy Joel — “Keeping the Faith”